actor // writer // bad movie enthusiast

Full Name: Neil O'Callaghan
Location: Chicago, IL
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 181 lb.
Body type: Fit/Athletic
Eyes/Hair: Brown
Language: English
Voice: Tenor (G)
Instruments: Guitar
Professional Status: SAG-AFTRA
Vehicle license: Auto Class D
Neil O'Callaghan is a writer, producer and SAG-AFTRA actor living in Chicago. He studied sketch and improv at Second City, iO, and the Annoyance Theater, as well as Meisner at Green Shirt Studio and viewpoints at Act One Studios. A native of the Greater Boston Area, he is passionate about the environment, education and canines.
Neil regularly appears on stage and screen and is a recurring lead in videos for The Onion and its sister site, Clickhole. In addition to walking around in the background of your favorite network Chicago television shows, you can also catch him at various Dunkin' Donuts around Chicago's Northside purchasing delicious ice-cold cold brew coffee.

upcoming schedule
Email Neil directly!

Lily's Talent Agency
1017 W. Washington Blvd., Ste. 2C
Chicago, IL 60607
p. 312.601.2345 / f. 312.601.2353
email. info@lilystalent.com